Here are 2 prime examples of our core audience. Teenagers/young adults consume media through a variety of platforms and all of our products utilise websites like Facebook and Youtube which allow people to share music and the video itself which would be found on music channels like MTV Hits or Viva.
Artists like Pixie Lott and Rihanna have younger secondary audiences as well, so Lexi would definitly appeal to younger girls as parents would approve of her and her genre of pop music would be a hit with them.
Our audience screening consisted mostly of our friends, which was great as 17/18 year olds are in our primary audience.
Positive feedback from screening:
- Able to identify Lexi Grace as the artist
- Most people noticed the MTV logo and said they could see it on sites such as VIVA or TMF
- Most people said that the video appealed to them
- Rated between 7 and 10, which is great
- People found the video exciting and nobody seemed bored at the screening, even though we repeated it.
- Most people said that the video reminded them of Coldplay's The Scientist and the few that knew of The Pharcyde made the connection to their video drop. This is excellent feedback, as it proves that our inspirations came through our work and the audience could connect to our concept.
Negative feedback from screening:
- Liv seemed a bit camera shy and nervous, which detracted from the fun look of the video - this was something that we tried to work on, but obviously the audience picked up on this. With a bit more practice, Liv probably could have got into character a bit more and loosened up
- Lighting needed improvement: we couldn't control the lighting when filming, so Liv looked drowned out in a few shots and even though we tried to correct them, they were still quite obvious.
Friends on facebook have commented on the website and said how realistic it looks, which is great to hear. Even though I love our video, there are some bits that I would love to have changed but couldn't. However, there is nothing that I would change on the website or album cover so I'm really happy that our hard work has paid off and people are impressed by it.
This just shows that the websites we used in our products (facebook, youtube etc) are ones that the target audience can relate to, as they obviously have been watching the video and like the website, so I'm really happy!
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